Human Design Foundation Readings with a Reflector

What is a Foundation Reading like?

A good foundation reading should be an experience for anyone getting or giving one.

Reflectors are uniquely designed to know who might be ready to break the covenant with the program.
In other words:
 “who is ready to step outside what we call the “normal world” that programs us to be what we are not”
 The world programs us to be what we are not, in Human Design we call that the Not-Self.

A good foundation reading experience should have the chart reader pointing out aspects of your unique Personality and Design imprint.  Your auric type, how you might experience life and getting you in touch with these things that have always been there that you may not have noticed before. 

A good reading will provide you with things you can hold onto, things that you can see in yourself that feel true, maybe a few things that you were a bit unsure of.  All in order to begin connecting you to your strategy and authority process – the inherent wisdom of the body that guides us in life.

A good foundation reading will feel like someone telling you about you, hitting key notes of your personality and maybe even asking if “this or that” has ever happened to you, or if you ever feel this or that.  If it is a really good reading, the reader might start to tell you things you have often thought of but never really told anyone about.  That can happen sometimes too.

Ask all the questions you like, except…. asking the reader what to do, or what to decide for you, no.

A good reader will say: “that I cannot answer – that is something Only you can decide through the correct strategy and authority of your type”. 
A good reading will direct you to your authority and give examples you can connect to, things that you might be able to “see”.

A good foundation reading is here to get you orientated to looking at your own authority, to put you in touch with something that is already there inside YOU.  To see and KNOW that there is something in your life that you can trust as correct navigation and decision making that is reliable.

Waypoints and Markers

Not here to guide, here to see/share what we see with the other when invited

I am a Reflector, NOT a Projector here to guide as they so aptly do, I have a projector guide myself.

No, sharing space with a Reflector in session is something quite different. 

Reflectors are here to measure the other against the program.

We are here to see who is ready to break the covenant with the program, ready to be what they truly are. 


No, we are not here to guide anyone.

Reflectors often see the best in others and the potential they carry too, this is what we are here to do, it’s not ONLY seeing the not-self, it can be a great gift for us to share what COULD be.

Reflectors are here SURPRISE you with what we see, one person at a time.

That is how this all works best – 

a “Personal Revolution, on an Individual Level – ONE PERSON AT A TIME”


Human Design Foundation Readings

Human Design Keynoted Charts

Rave Mandala Transit Maps by Year

Custom Human Design Graphics and Presentations